Water Softening Plant

Water Softening Plant

Orizon Technology Pvt Ltd offers high quality of soft water plant which is manufactured by using high quality of raw materials and are available at very reasonable price range all across the globe. The soft water plant or water softener system is based on Ion exchange technology, by using sodium form resin. This system is widely used throughout the world. It is easy to operate and is very economic.

Water used by industry for boiler feed or other process purpose may be taken from surface or underground sources. Hard water is containing dissolved salts of calcium and magnesium. Calcium and magnesium are hard scale forming minerals that build up on piping, heat exchangers, water heaters, boilers and any steam as well as water related equipment. This buildup results in costly repairs, increased energy consumption. The service life of linens, clothing, appliances and fixtures is greatly reduced due to these "hard" minerals. The soft water plant or water softener system is based on Ion exchange technology, by using sodium form resin. The system is able to remove calcium and magnesium hardness from the raw water. Water softening plant is easy to operate, very economic and environment friendly. This system are widely use through out the world. These systems are available with M.S., S.S. as well as FRP material having flow rate capacity up to 200 M3 / Hr.

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