Vajra Disinfection System

  • Vajra's highly effective & efficient multi-stage disinfection process with advanced oxidation, corona discharge, and UVC light spectrum inactivates the virus, bacteria, and other microbes on N95 masks/PPE/coats, etc. with more than 99.999% efficiency (Tested by department of bio-sciences & bio-engineering, IIT Bombay). 
  • N95 Masks/PPE/Coats etc. can safely be re-used after the disinfection cycle. 100 per cent safety to staff, controlling the spread of COVID-19 is ensured by making the personal protective equipment available, affordable and accessible at all times. The technology is CSIR -NEERI approved & IP55 certified.
  • With Vajra Kavach, customers benefit from re-using PPE by saving costs, increasing the availability of protective equipment and reduced generation of COVID-19 related bio-medical waste thereby helping the environment. ROI on the investment can be achieved in less than a month.
  • Ozone (O3) gas kills the SARS CoV-2 and other viral pathogens. Ozone destroys viruses by diffusing through the protein coat into the nucleic acid core, resulting in damage of the viral RNA.
  • UVC-254 nm causes lesions in DNA and RNA of viral pathogens like H1N1 and SARS CoV-2. Brief exposure to UVC-254 damages the DNA and RNA so that they can't replicate, effectively killing or inactivating the microorganism or virus.
  • The product finds applications at hospitals, labs & testing centres, smart cities and travel destinations. 

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