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Mec Shot Blasting Equipments Private Limited offers Cyclone Dust Collector. A cyclone dust collector is to separate any metallic or other dust particles from the spraying / Blasting room and discharge clean air to the atmosphere. In this the suction created by Exhaust Fan causes the dust laden air to enter the Cyclone Dust Collector. In the cyclone the dust particles get separated by a centrifugal action and get settled in a Dust Tray at the bottom of the cyclone. The dust free clean air escaped to the atmosphere through the Exhaust Fan. There by allowing dust to be collected in the dust tray. The collected dust in a dust tray at the bottom of the Cyclone Dust Collector is taken out manually, from time to time.
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INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS FINDER (IPF) is India’s only industrial product portal. Referred to as the ‘Bible’ of the manufacturing sector in India,
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