Direct Drive Solution for Cooling Tower Fans

Direct Drive Solution for Cooling Tower Fans

Baldor has extended the range of its novel Direct Drive Technology for controlling cooling tower fans to higher power ratings that can handle very large applications in power generating plants and heavy processing industries. First introduced in 2009, Baldor's direct drive solution for cooling tower fans has delivered a radically more efficient solution to cooling tower fan applications. It eliminates the gearbox and right-angled coupling of conventional drive solutions to save energy, improve reliability, and run much quieter. The elimination of gearbox losses is aided by the use of a novel permanent magnet based motor that increases energy efficiency dramatically. This construction reduces the size of the motor substantially, allowing it to sit underneath the fan in the space currently required for the gearbox element of a conventional power transmission system. The new technology is already changing the way that cooling tower fans for commercial buildings are constructed. The latest product additions now extend the power rating of the motors to delivers maximum torques of up to 13,500 Nm. In total there are now 26 choices of ratings available, spanning a drive power range from 7.5 kW at 500 RPM base speed to 187 kW at 130 RPM base speed, allowing optimum choices to be made for a very wide range of cooling applications from building HVAC (heating, ventilating, and air conditioning) systems to the large sizes of cooling tower fans used in many heavy-duty processing plants and power generating stations.

Products from Baldor Electric India Private Limited


AC Drives

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AC Motors

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Products from MACHINE TOOLS, POWER & HAND TOOLS Category


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Rotary Broaching Tool

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Polygon Turning Machine

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