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Model ASBMF-1200 is a high performance table type shot blasting machine for application in foundries, forging units, automobile industries, die-casting units, heat treatment job shops, and fabricators. The machine is available in different sizes having table diameter 2½’ (750 mm), 4’ (1200 mm), 6’ (1800 mm), and 8’ (2400 mm). The blast wheels are powered by TEFC motors of different capacity depending on size of the machine and the blast wheel. The shots are propelled at a velocity of 60 to 80 mtr/sec thereby achieving best cleaning rates at lowest cost. Options are available to cover the interior of the blast cabinet with long-life alloy steel liners. Rotary screen separators, automatic operation sequence control system, and PLC control operation facilities are also available for the user as per their choice. The machines are supplied with suitable fabric bag dust collector so that pollution-free and user-friendly environment is available on the shop-floor. The blast wheel of the machine which is considered as its heart is manufactured on VMC and CNC machines, hence available with very close tolerances and finish. These blast wheels are heat-treated for long user life, and dynamically balanced to achieve smooth and vibration-free operation. The blades, control cage, impeller and the liners of blast wheel casing are manufactured from best quality alloy steel to provide trouble-free long-life. The machines are easy to operate and maintain by a single operator.
INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS FINDER (IPF) is India’s only industrial product portal. Referred to as the ‘Bible’ of the manufacturing sector in India,
INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS FINDER (IPF) is India’s only industrial product portal. Referred to as the ‘Bible’ of the manufacturing sector in India,
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