Shot Blasting Machines


Shot Blasting Machines

Kleenwell Fabricators offers hanger type Shot Blasting Machines. The company manufactures braiding machine (T-type of monorail spinning hanger machine), a 12-spindle machine that has a high demand amongst clients. Popular for usage in varied industries, these machines are constructed to serve diverse applications. Constructed using high quality materials and components, these machines are assured to feature durability, reliability and long service life. Kleenwell Fabricators is a Jalandhar (Punjab) based company that specialises in manufacturing, exporting and supplying of industrial shot blasting machines/peening machines. The company is promoted by professionals with 30 years experience in the field. It continues its leadership in shot blasting machine technology by producing diverse range of custom-built machines that are innovative, durable, cost effective and perform non stop at work places. The range of shot blasting machines includes spinning hanger table machines and spinning hanger shot blasting machines, dust collector machines, and airless centrifugal thumb blast shot blasting machines.

Products from Kleenwell Fabricators


Sand Blasting Hoppers

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Magnetic Drum Separators

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Shot Blasting Machine, Airless Centrifugal

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Rotary Broaching Tool

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Polygon Turning Machine

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