UPS Systems, Modular

UPS Systems, Modular

Ador Powertron Ltd offers a complete range of true online UPS (uninterruptible power supply) Systems, which includes both modular and standalone configurations. The company has a technology alliance with the world leader in power electronics, Gamatronic Electronic Industries Ltd, Israel for next generation true online UPS systems. Gamatronic is one of the largest power electronic manufacturing companies in Israel, and has a global presence, and the company has an exclusive authorised repair and service centre for Gamatronic in India. It offers a Modular UPS system in 125 kVA/kW to 250 kVA/kW capacity range. Features: Mega Power+ delivers the highest efficiency rate – at an efficiency rate of 96%, Mega Power+ provides significant energy and cooling savings; true modular capabilities; delivers 125-250 kVA/kW; maximum availability and minimal downtime; the highest power density/smallest footprint (25 kVA/kW 3U and saves space in data centres, IT rooms and other critical hosted sites); all connections and cables are internal – minimal access to the sides and rear of the unit is required – front access only; highest level of load availability – even if a module fails for some reason, it will not influence the UPS system operation and load availability; and flexible scalability – Mega Power+ ensures future growth with load increase with a wide power capacity. This scalability feature enables the user/designer unprecedented flexibility. Other features include: Minimal maintenance, perfectly suitable for capacitive loads, such as blade servers with lower power factor, meets and exceeds power requirements, and a unique and proprietary controller, which is the user's main interface with the Mega Power+. The company also offers modular true online UPS, on line double conversion UPS, etc.

Products from Ador Powertron Limited


Corrosion Protection By Electroplating

Deburring, Drilling, Boring, Tapping and Threading Machines

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High Current Rectifier Systems

Deburring, Drilling, Boring, Tapping and Threading Machines

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Battery Formation Systems & Test Equipments

Deburring, Drilling, Boring, Tapping and Threading Machines

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UPS Systems, Power+ Classic

Deburring, Drilling, Boring, Tapping and Threading Machines

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Products from MACHINE TOOLS, POWER & HAND TOOLS Category


Perforated Metal Facades

Deburring, Drilling, Boring, Tapping and Threading Machines

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Rotary Broaching Tool

Deburring, Drilling, Boring, Tapping and Threading Machines

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Polygon Turning Machine

Deburring, Drilling, Boring, Tapping and Threading Machines

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