Servo Voltage Stabilisers for CNC Machine Tools

Servo Voltage Stabilisers for CNC Machine Tools

Green Dot Electric Limited, an ISO 9001 unit, offers Servo Voltage Stabilisers for CNC Machine Tools. The micro controller based units have built-in 7-segment LED digital displays of true RMS values of input voltage/output voltage and load amps and frequency and temperature as optional. Each unit has controllers for each phase independently through AC step synchronous permanent magnet motors. The mother component of the unit – variable transformers – are special units prepared by optical grinding technique and incorporate heat sink technology on the winding and adopt self adjusting and self aligning carbon brushes that have least wear and tear, and do not break or crumble under high speed operations. The micro controller has built-in braking and retarding control to achieve precise control without hunting or overstepping for accurate control of voltage to high accuracies as ±0.5%. The system has inherent advantage over the DC commutator motor used by a few others as no reduction gear or sparking carbons on commutator and relays are involved. The units have built-in safeties as cut off under low voltage, high voltage, overload, protections from single phasing and reverse phasing. The unit has built-in surge protection and soft start function to protect the CNC machines on power failure and re-installation and is generator compatible. The units have optional feature of programming pad switches on the panel, pass word protected that can provide accurate adjustments in digital units of the sensitivity, set voltage, low voltage cut off values, high voltage cut off values, overload current cut off values with adjustment – of timings and delays – on the panel itself of these cut off protections. The unit can also be supplied with an ultra isolation transformer.

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