Forging Die Lubricant

Forging Die Lubricant

Carbo Colloids offers Colgraph FDL, a Forging Die Lubricant., which is colloidal graphite in aqueous medium. This material exhibits good stability with no separation or settling in the concentrate. Colgraph is odourless, smokeless aqueous based high purity synthetic micro graphited die lubricant. It gives good lubricity and release in any forging operations. Use of Colgraph in forging operations results in reduced scrap generation, improved productivity no build up in the cavities/crevices and longer lifetime of dies. This can be used in hot forging of steel, warm forging of steel and precision forgings. Properties: lubricating material – high purity microfine synthetic graphite; carrier – water; diluent – water; consistency – semi colloidal viscous liquid; solid conte nt – 40 ±1% w/w; pH – 10 to 11; and shelf life – 12 months from the date of packing in sealed condition. Colgraph FDL is supplied as a concentrate and can be diluted with ordinary water with no or minimal mineral content. De-mineralised or De-ionised water is preferred. Dilution to be done by adding water to the concentrate and not vice versa; while diluting continuous stirring to be done to ensure homogenisation of the mixture. Storage should be in a cool place, but one has to ensure no freezing is taking place. The container may be closed tightly after use to avoid evaporation and contamination of the concentrate.

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