Ultra Filtration Systems

Ultra Filtration Systems

Dowac Systems & Projects India Pvt Ltd offers effective Ultra Filtration Systems for treating of heavy surface water. These ultra filtration systems are designed by using advanced technology with the purpose of removing micro bacterial counts. Ultra filtration (UF) is used to remove essentially all colloidal particles (0.001 to 1.0 microns) from water and some of the largest dissolved contaminants. The pore size in a UF membrane is mainly responsible for determining the type and size of contaminants removed. Ultra filtration treated water can be sent for reverse osmosis and recycled or further taken for potable application. Using ultra filtration systems to recycle water can yield zero discharge capabilities. Ultra filtration results in considerable savings in terms of pre-treatment and increased RO availability factor. The primary advantages of low-pressure UF membrane process are: no need for chemicals (coagulants, flocculates, disinfectants, pH adjustment); size-exclusion filtration as opposed to media depth filtration; good and constant quality of the treated water in terms of particle and microbial removal; process and plant compactness; and simple automation. Ultra filtration is used in: laboratory grade water purification; wastewater treatment; drinking water treatment; paint recovery in the automotive industry; desalting and solvent-exchange of proteins; and dialysis and other blood treatments.

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