Iron Removal Media

Iron Removal Media

Starke Aquacare Technologies is one of the premier suppliers and producers for filter media used in industrial, municipal and household water treatment. The company has acquired the largest and the strongest network to supply to water treatment industries with various types of filter media. The company?s offers iron removal media. Mno2 sand is used for the removal of soluble iron, manganese and hydrogen sulfide from well water supplies. It also has the capacity to remove radium and arsenic. Naturally occurring manganese dioxide is upgraded washed and cleaned mineral produced in different sizes and graded for use in water treatment. Technical specifications: colour ? brownish-black; bulk density ? 100/110 lbs per cubic foot; specific gravity ? approx 2.2; manganese content ? 70%; uniform coefficients ? < 1.6; pH Range ? 6.2 8.5; hardness ? 5 to 6 Moh's scale; Moisture ? < 1 % by weight; and filtration rate ? 9 m3/m2/hr; backwash rate ? 15 to 25 m3/m2/hr. MnO2 requires only partial replacement of the filter media with no chemical dosing and no monitoring.

Products from Starke Aquacare Technologies


Water Filter Media, Gravel/Support Pebble

Deburring, Drilling, Boring, Tapping and Threading Machines

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Water Filter Media, Sand & Gravel

Deburring, Drilling, Boring, Tapping and Threading Machines

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Products from MACHINE TOOLS, POWER & HAND TOOLS Category


Perforated Metal Facades

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Rotary Broaching Tool

Deburring, Drilling, Boring, Tapping and Threading Machines

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Polygon Turning Machine

Deburring, Drilling, Boring, Tapping and Threading Machines

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