Centrifuge for Filtration of Cutting Oils

Centrifuge for Filtration of Cutting Oils

Das Associates have developed a centrifuge for filtration of abrasive and metallic particles from cutting oils. The units are available in full automatic and semi-automatic modes and can handle straight cutting oils or water soluble coolants used on grinding, honing and other super finishing operations. The unique feature of the system is automatic scraping of the dust accumulated on the inside walls of the centrifuge drum and its collection in the trolley at the bottom. The unit is available in three sizes, viz, 30, 75 and 150 LPM. The advantages of the system are: It is most suitable on straight cutting oils where the other conventional systems are not effective due to the filter paper getting choked; it can handle both magnetic and non-magnetic impurities; the filtration level achieved is up to 20 microns right from the start, it is not necessary to wait till the formation of the cake; and, it does away with the necessity of replacing the filter paper and hence, the recurring cost.

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