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Gopani Product Systems offers wound cartridges, which are widely used for pre-filtration purpose in RO plant. These wound cartridges are manufactured from polypropylene, cotton, or glass fibre material. After knitting and weaving, the material is wound on the supporting core with carefully controlled micron rating. This is how wound filter cartridges are manufactured. Wound cartridges works on the principle of depth filtration. These cartridges are extremely good for removing suspended impurities from liquid. These are designed for lower pressure drop and higher flow rates, and are available in various sizes and micron ratings to meet different requirements. These cartridges are available in any combination of polypropylene/glass filled/cotton/rayon/viscous and polypropylene/stainless steel/tin/MS/nylon core materials. These are available in 10", 20", 30", 40" length and in different micron ratings. Internal diameter of cartridge is 1" and outer diameter is 2.5" or 4.5".
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INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS FINDER (IPF) is India’s only industrial product portal. Referred to as the ‘Bible’ of the manufacturing sector in India,
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