Bio Diesel Extraction Plant

  • Transesterification plant comprises of reaction tank, catalyst mixture, washing system and settling tanks and methanol recovery; biodiesel is the product obtained by transesterification of any vegetable oil.
  • Derived from renewable lipid sources, biodiesel is defined as the mono alkyl esters of long chain fatty acids; in the presence of a catalyst, the reaction of a vegetable oil or animal fat with methanol is carried out to yield glycerin and biodiesel.
  • For use in compression ignition engines, biodiesel is an alternative fuel that can be used in neat form or combined with petroleum diesel; the chemical and physical properties are similar to petroleum-based diesel fuel.
  • Highly advanced and sophisticated transesterification unit is offered, which is widely used in agro industries involved in processing and extraction of biodiesel.
  • Through these units, biodiesel is produced in bulk for use in the commercial market as an automobile fuel.
  • The machines involve highly sophisticated and PLC based processes.
  • Post the extraction of pure diesel, the byproducts left over like glycerol are also marketable.
  • Depending on the requirement of clients, these units can be offered in various capacities.

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