Zero Dead Leg Valves

Zero Dead Leg Valves

Dairy Pharma Chem Liners manufactures Zero Dead Leg Valves – 2/2 way wheel/pneumatic diaphragm valves and loop valves. These industrial diaphragm valves are used for handling sticky and thick fluids, highly acidic and dangerous substances. These valves can handle air, water, and normal liquid/gases as well. The valves are designed and manufactured in such a way that they are safe to use and prevent liquids from getting contaminated. These are used in industries such as pharmaceutical, water treatment and food processing lab equipment. Valve specifications: cavity free and self draining; isolating diaphragm, top entry design; bubble tight closure against both pressure and vacuum; bi-directional flow path; diaphragm valves are recognised by the bio-pharma industry as the only true aseptic valve; ideally suited for CIP (clean-in-place) and SIP (steam-in-place); valves in SS 316 (cf8m)/SS 316l (cf3m) investment cast valve body or machined from block; and cast iron white/black epoxy coated or SS 304 (cf8) bonnet and ABS plastic or SS 304 (cf8) hand wheel.

Products from Dairy Pharma Chem Liners


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Polygon Turning Machine

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