Evaporators, Plate Type

Evaporators, Plate Type

Ketav Consultant offers a range of Plate Type Evaporators. These are suitable for processing liquors, which are susceptible to scaling or crystallising. The liquid is circulated at a high rate through the calandria, boiling being prevented within the unit by virtue of a hydrostatic head maintained above the top tube plate. As the liquid enters the separator where the absolute pressure is slightly less than in the tube bundle, the liquid flashes to form a vapour. The main applications for a forced circulation evaporator are in the concentration of inversely soluble materials, crystallising duties, and in the concentration of thermally degradable materials, which results in the deposition of solids. Forced circulation evaporators normally are more expensive than film evaporators because of the need for large bore circulating pipe work and large recirculating pumps. Operating costs of such a unit also are considerably higher. Established in 2005, Ketav Consultant is a growing engineering company with well-established facilities. It has commendable achievements in the field of design, manufacture, installation and commissioning of evaporators, vacuum ejectors, vacuum pumps, high pressure pumps, mechanical boosters, heat exchangers, condenser, etc.

Products from Ketav Consultant


Heat Exchangers And Condensers

Deburring, Drilling, Boring, Tapping and Threading Machines

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Small Vapour Separators

Deburring, Drilling, Boring, Tapping and Threading Machines

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Steam Jet Ejectors

Deburring, Drilling, Boring, Tapping and Threading Machines

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Products from MACHINE TOOLS, POWER & HAND TOOLS Category


Perforated Metal Facades

Deburring, Drilling, Boring, Tapping and Threading Machines

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Rotary Broaching Tool

Deburring, Drilling, Boring, Tapping and Threading Machines

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Polygon Turning Machine

Deburring, Drilling, Boring, Tapping and Threading Machines

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