Mini Metering Pump

Mini Metering Pump

PFE Roto Inc, is the exclusive sales/testing/assembly partner of Roto Pumps Inc in North America. It provides efficient and cost-effective solutions for progressive cavity and twin screw pump applications, serving a multitude of industries. The highlights of the RJ series of progressive cavity-small capacity pumps include a compact design (flange-mounted) featuring a direct drive and accurate metering capabilities. Roto's RJ Model mini metering pump, in all stainless steel modular construction with options of various elastomers, has all the requirements for precise metering of media such as polymers, poly electrolytes, hydrochloric acids, titanium dioxide, cellulose, gelatine, whey, yeast, sulphuric acid, ferric chlorides, ferric sulphates, hydrogen peroxide, etc. The pumps are designed for applications in Industries such as wastewater treatment, food and beverage, chemical processing, pulp and paper, petrochemical, petroleum refining, etc. Advantages: flow is directly proportional to speed; no valves to clog, stick or vapour lock; smooth non-pulsating flow; low shear rate for handling sensitive medias such as polymers, chemicals, dyes, food additives; and self priming, pressure capability independent of speed. Pumps are available with various sealing options. Stators are moulded to size without the need of gaskets or o-rings, provides positive sealing. All elastomers are available in various materials from Buna, EPDM, Viton, HNBR, etc., dependant on media being pumped. The pumps are available in flows from as low as .003 to US GPM and pressures up to 350 psi, and in various drive configurations with direct IEC or NEMA C face motors, AC or DC drives, controllers, gearbox and/or gear motors.

Products from PFE Roto Inc


Food & Hygienic pumps

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Mini Metering Pump

Deburring, Drilling, Boring, Tapping and Threading Machines

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