Shrink Wrapping Machines

Shrink Wrapping Machines

Sonai Industries offers shrink wrapping machines in various models. These include SSPM/100, 150, 200, 250 in fixed speed, and SSPM/300, 400, 500 and 600 in variable speed, besides customer specified models. These machines are used for dust-proof, water proof, transparent packing and sealing of products individually, or in sets. The packing material is PVC shrinkable or LDPE shrinkable. The main part of the machine is a control panel, which contains digital temperature controller, sensor and DC drive, all manufactured by the company, with calibration certificates from ERTL. The temperature range of the machines is from 0 to 400?C. The required temperature depends upon the thickness of the material. Production capacity is 35 to 40 pieces per minute. The maximum range of the machine in mm is the figure designated in each model, eg, in SSPM/300, the range is 1 to 300 mm.

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