Dry Syrup Powder Filling Machine, Semi Automatic Vaccumetric Type

  • It is suitable for filling free flow powders in various type and shape of bottles with speed of 15-20 Bottles per minute depending on fill volume, type of powder and bottle size. 
  • The machine works on proven time tested vacuum and air systems to fill powder in bottle using  powder wheel system having piston for volume adjustment. machines with unique vibratory system inside the funnel for easy flow of powder in bottle. 
  • All parts coming in contact with powder are made from S.S.316 , Nylon and HDPE Material. Bottle handling is manually to be done by operator only.
  • Its features include: no bottle - no fill system; all contact parts made of SS316 and nylon/HDPE material with easy removal system for cleaning; machine construction in SS304 material; high fill accuracy; heavy duty mounting system for filling head for trouble free long term operations; fully servo controlled filling head.

Products from Brothers Pharmamach (India) Private Limited

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