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R.P.Sales Corporation offers Abrasive Resistant Hoses. These suction/discharge hoses are highly abrasive resistant to powder and pulverized products, grains, gravels, granulates, sand and corns. These are excellent when extreme high abrasion-resistance is required. Vacuum: 9 MWC; Temperature range: -20?C / +80?C; Tube: Polyurethane, transparent, seamless smooth, incorporated steel wire helix; Cover: PVC, transparent, smooth; Bending radius: 4 x Inner diameter, Inner ? Outer ? Wall PB/bar at 20?C kg/mtr Length Art. Code 38,0mm 47,0mm 4,5mm 6,0 0,800 30 mtr LCR/4482038000 40,0mm 50,0mm 5,0mm 6,0 0,950 30 mtr LCR/4482040000 51,0mm 62,0mm 5,5mm 6,0 1,300 30 mtr LCR/4482050000 76,0mm 89,0mm 6,5mm 4,0 2,300 30 mtr LCR/4482075000.
INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS FINDER (IPF) is India’s only industrial product portal. Referred to as the ‘Bible’ of the manufacturing sector in India,
INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS FINDER (IPF) is India’s only industrial product portal. Referred to as the ‘Bible’ of the manufacturing sector in India,
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