Air Water Heaters

Air Water Heaters

Verma Agriculture & Industrial Corporation offers Air Water Heater, AWH 300. Air water heater can extract heat even from Himalayan air i.e. sub-zero temp (up to -30oC) saving of up to 80% energy and up to 99% space. Operating cost of this heater is very economical when compared to diesel (H.S.D. and L.D.O.); liquid petroleum gas (L.P.G.) and firewood based hot water generators. Operating cost of this heater is at par with solar water heater if non-sunny days are about 55 to 65 days and economical if non-sunny days are more like any hill station and coastal region. Air water heater does not require direct or indirect sunlight. This heater works, 24 hours a day and cool air is available as a by-product, thus further reducing energy cost of air coolers. The efficiency of heater increases with the increase in humidity and hence is more suitable than solar water heaters in coastal regions. As the space requirement is too low, air water heaters are the best option in metro cities.

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