Fire Fighting Robot

  • An hour of emergency brings along the need of quick-witted decision while keeping in mind the safety factor. Emergency Robot emulates our brave firefighters conferring them with security.
  • These heroes are always on a mission to rescue others from calamities like collapsed buildings, wrecked vehicles, fire outbreaks etc. are not only to be appreciated or medalled, but also to be secured. They are the ones who face the problems instead of escaping them.
  • Emergency Robot is our first product and a first responder. This is our flying start in using technology for human welfare. An under tracked semi-autonomous robot which can be operated and controlled with a remote is no less than a soldier on a mission.
  • Sturdy enough to draw back hindrances, identifying chemical hazards in the disaster area and functioning by a wireless remote control are just a few beginnings count of its facets.
  • Emergency Robot drives to save more lives. They can be your insurers may it be an urban disaster or a forest one. A budding company advancing in the field of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence, we believe in saving human lives thereby increasing overall productivity.
  • The site of a catastrophe requires more than saving lives. At times the plight is horrendous and treacherous, but our first responders multitask by controlling the fire, preventing further damage, reducing the risk of injuries to both victims and fire fighters.
  • Their aim at providing security and increases capability for the first responders by reducing the risks of exposure to the hazardous situations. No more carrying heavy objects and suffering from strains and sprains.
  • A make-in-India product built by young dynamic engineers, business professionals and team, Fire Fighting Robot is the panacea for every mishanter.
  • A Complete Fire and Disaster Management vehicle with Fire Fighting Monitor First of its kind made in India with feature & Quality comparable to International Standards.
  • Highly effective in inhuman conditions. Single Vehicle multiple functions including Thermal Camera and Road Block Removal etc. Management using Multi-Functional Wireless Remote for operating from a safe distance.
  • Its applications used in : Oil Installations; Petrochemical complexes; Oil Marketing Installations; Fertilizer Plants; Port Trust installations; Airport; Municipal Fire Brigade
  • Congested Areas; Power Plants; Government; Military and Para Military Forces; Border forces; Freezing/Snow Zones etc.
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